2017 in IBT History: The Teamsters Joint Council 25 truck made its way through Illinois communities advocating against Right-to-Work. It made its final stop at the Statehouse in Springfield on November 7, where Teamsters were lobbying lawmakers against Right-to-Work.
Illinois proposes a reformation of the State’s public pension system.
Sysco Central Illinois negotiated a new 4-year contract for 76 employees.
Illinois Secretary of State Office of the Treasurer Contracts with Local 916 Expire June 30. Negotiations begin May 1.
The State of Illinois decided to boot HMO providers Health Alliance, Humana, and Personal Care,in favor of Blue Cross Blue Shield. It is being challenged.
Freight Agreement Saves 70 Local Jobs. Teamsters’ approval to restructuring keeps YRCW from going under.
16 Teamsters were fired in 2004 for what they claimed were political reasons. They sued and won in February, and on March 7, settled for damages out of court. The workers will share a monetary award, plus pension benefits and, for the nine plaintiffs who will be rehired
Elected last September on a “white ballot” (no opposition), the Executive board began its fifth consecutive term in office in January and will serve through December 2013.
A huge turnout to Local 916’s “We Are One” rally at the Illinois State Capital to stop Illinois lawmakers attacks on collective bargaining and pensions.
On January 11th, 2012, Hostess Brands Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy again in the Southern District of New York.
November of 2012 – Hostess Brands, Inc. closes.
December 28, 2012 – E & F Distributing closes its doors.
Pepsi-Cola moves into new facility.
Trevor Clatfelter joins Local 916 as the Director of Governmental Affairs.
S.I.U. Security Guards Organized.
Local Union 916’s Executive Board is re-elected and honored by the third straight “White Ballot” for term January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2016.
Curran Gardner Organized.
In June of 2013, Local 916 lost Sue Fickas to a motorcycle accident. Sue was a loyal and valued employee and a great friend who will be deeply missed.
September 16, 2013 – Teamsters Local 916 D.R.I.V.E. Golf Outing Resurrected
September 30, 2013 – Lisa Howard joins Local 916 as Administrative Assistant/Health and Welfare and Pension Specialist.
February 2014 – Office Manager and Bookkeeper, Esther Sparks, retires after 14 years of dedicated service.
February 2014 – Judy Graeser joins Local 916, taking Esther’s place as Bookkeeper
Plaque designed in memory of Sue Fickas to be displayed in lobby.
Local 916’s first website is launched.
Teamsters Local 916 joins Facebook.
2015 & Beyond