Capitol Group Driver Retires After More Than 36 Years on the Road
Photo: Butch Kendall and Family Butch Kendall was a union driver who spent all but one year of his career sitting in the cab of a semitrailer, so it was ironic that it was his feet that finally told Butch Kendall it was time to retire. “When Capitol Group moved into the old Butternut building in Springfield last year, I started in the warehouse, packing orders,” said Kendall. “I liked it but I was walking about 50 miles a day and my body finally couldn’t take it anymore.” The walking on cement all day might have been the final straw but Kendall said things started down a path toward retirement about four years ago, after a tornado tore apart the Capitol Group building in Springfield. Everything changed after that, said Kendall, who was relocated to the company’s Peoria warehouse and commuted every day for a while. He said he will always be grateful that the company kept him and his co-workers on after the disaster. He never missed a paycheck but things were different. And then there was his health. “About six months after the tornado, I went to a routine doctor appointment and told him about the pain I was having in one of my hands,” said Kendall. “He did some tests and sent me right to a specialist. The specialist told me I owed that doctor my life. The main artery to my heart was 99 percent blocked. I was two weeks away from a heart attack.”