Pension Changes Will Affect More Than 2,000 Members
NOTE: Local 916 will continue to update members
on the status of this legislation and legal
challenges to it, as well as provide information
important to members and their retirement
planning. Barring a successful court challenge,
the legislation takes effect July 1, 2014.SUMMARY: The provisions of the bill affect
active members, inactive members and retirees
of SERS as outlined below. The bill does not
reduce the current monthly benefit amounts
of retirees and it does not eliminate or reduce
COLAs that have already been received. It
reduces COLAS prospectively beginning in
January 2015.
Defined Benefit (DB) Changes
Maximum Annual Adjustments (COLAs)
Beginning January 2015, the 3% COLAs will
be applied to the lesser of the actual annuity,
or the number of years of a retiree’s service
credit multiplied by $1,000 for service not covered
by Social Security or $800 for service covered
by Social Security (maximum COLA
amount). The maximum COLA ($1,000 or
$800 per year of service) will be indexed each
year by the growth in the Consumer Price
Index (CPI). Those with an annuity that is less
than their years of service multiplied by the
applicable $1,000 or $800, or what these
amounts have grown to at the time of retirement,
will receive a 3% COLA compounded
each year until the annuity reaches the maximum
COLA amount.
There is no limit on the number of years of
service credit that can be used in the maximum
COLA calculation. Survivor annuities
and disability annuities will continue to receive
3% compounded COLAs on the entire
annuity amount.
Skipped COLAs
Employees who retire on or after July 1, 2014
will have annual adjustments skipped depending
on age at the effective date: employees age
50 or over, 1 COLA skipped (year 2); employees
age 47 to 49 will have 3 COLAs skipped
(years 2, 4, and 6); employees age 44 to 46 will
have 4 COLAs skipped (years 2, 4, 6, and 8);
employees age 43 and under, 5 COLAs skipped
(years 2, 4, 6, 8, 10). Please refer to Table 1.
Pensionable Salary Cap
Applies the Tier II salary cap ($110,631 for
2014) to all Tier 1 members. This cap is adjusted
annually by the lesser of 3% or one half
of the annual CPI. Salaries that currently exceed
the cap or that will exceed the cap based
on raises in a collective bargaining agreement
are grandfathered in.
Retirement Age
For employees age 45 or younger on June 1,
2014, the retirement age is increased on a
graduated scale. For each year a member is
under 46, the retirement age will be increased
by 4 months (up to a 5 year increase for members
under age 32 on June 1, 2014). The incremental
increase in retirement age applies to all
formulas and the Rule of 85. Please refer to
Table 1.
Employee Contributions
Beginning July 1, 2014, all SERS employee
contribution rates will decrease by 1%.
Optional Defined Contribution (DC) Plan
Defined Contribution Plan
Beginning July 1, 2015, up to 5% of Tier 1
active members can make an irrevocable election
to switch from the DB plan to a DC plan.
Employee contributions to the DC plan will be
equal to those of the DB plan. Employer contributions
to the DC plan will change annually
and must be at least 3% but not higher than
the employer’s cost of the DB benefits. The
employee must participate in the DC plan for
at least 5 years to become vested in the employer
contributions made to their DC account.
When a member opts into the DC plan, benefits
previously accrued in the DB plan will be
Funding Changes
Funding Schedule
A funding schedule is established that will
achieve 100% funding no later than the end of
FY 2044. Contributions will be certified using
the entry age normal (EAN) actuarial cost
method, which spreads costs evenly over an
employee’s career and results in level employer
Supplemental Contributions
The State will contribute (i) $364 million in
FY 2019, (ii) $1 billion annually thereafter
through 2045 or until the system reaches
100% funding, and (iii) 10% of the annual savings
resulting from pension reform beginning
in FY 2016 until the system reaches 100%
funding. The supplemental contributions will be divided among the State-funded retirement
Funding Guarantee
If the State fails to make a required annual or
supplemental contribution, SERS may file an
action in the Illinois Supreme Court to compel
the State to make the required annual or supplemental
Teamsters Local 916 proudly represents over 4,000 hardworking men and women throughout the State of Illinois in the private and public sectors.